Saturday, 24 February 2024


You are not defined by your current status, your challenge, or your pain. You are more than what you are currently facing—more than the scars in your heart, mind, and body. You are exceptional, beautiful, and worthy of the peace, clarity, and healing you desire. You are important.

These are the words that I want to echo in your inner self—words that should trigger the deepest truth that you are more than your current circumstances. Trust me when I say I fully understand how easy it is to feel as if your identity simply rests within the centre of your struggle, to think that pain represents who you are, to believe what the world tells you. 

However, it is important to understand that nothing else can truly and fully define who you are except God. Your true being rests in your knowledge of who God is and who He says you are. So, my queen, my king, you are not your struggle; you are who God says you are. 


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