Saturday, 9 March 2024

Are You Intentional? How Being Intentional Can Help You On Your Road to Success.


Nowadays, there is a growing social trend and culture that is slowly degrading the importance of hard work and self-development. One that has made people so relaxed and sadly develop the belief that things will be better and improve in their lives, yet there is no real work or change that has been made. In my journey of life, I have learned one of the hardest lessons: that as much as dreaming is important and beautiful, it is simply the first step to where you desire to be. Rather, what really matters is the work you do to ensure you become that. I have met a lot of people who always make comments such as it is so easy for you because you are clever and smart by nature, and I always try to make them see that it is not about that. I am where I am because of the efforts I employ in my everyday life and the decisions I commit to. What they define as simple luck or natural smartness is a work couple with a continual desire to become the very best version of self, commitment, and consistency. We ourselves are working in progress; we have not yet reached our desired selves or who we believe we are truly meant to be. 

So I will ask you this: 

Are you exercising? Do you have enough at your disposal to evoke the fitness you need and require to compete effectively in today's world? Have you taken the time to stretch yourself and discipline yourself to make the necessary sacrifices to ensure growth? If that is the case, then beautiful, for that will do you great justice in reaching that dream you have about yourself, and you should continue at it. 

Personal development and exposure to different information, different places, and different environments have the power to stretch your mind. Become intentional with equipping yourself; get that book and don't just allow it to collect dust on your shelf; read it and allow it to create new habits for you. Broaden your horizons by expanding your knowledge daily and making traveling a habit. Never be afraid to try something new or do something different; continually be on the journey of exercising your mind. 

I truly believe that a lot of our challenges in becoming all we meant to be are in the way our minds perceive the person they reside in and their surroundings, how dormant and restricted they are. Hence, once it has been fed and afforded the opportunity to excel, what we become is greater than anything we have imagined. We have the ability to fly and become a force to be reckoned with. 

What are your thoughts on exercising your mind?



  1. It is so true, if we don't put in the work, nothing changes. Thank you for the wake up call

    1. We are happy to know this piece of writing was inspirational to you. Thank you. 
