Maybe you’re saying to yourself why is it important that I reprogram my thinking, there is nothing wrong with how I think. Well one important question you need to ask yourself is what is negative thinking? What are the effects of negative thinking in my life and most importantly in my relationship with Jesus? We need to first understand that when one reprograms his/her thinking that means there is a pattern in his/her thinking that is faulty, a pattern that is a stumbling block in his/her way of the necessary growth and success that God wishes for us all as His children.
So all in all this means that there are great benefits in reprogramming our thinking patterns, reprogramming your thinking has a powerful effect as it basically transforms your whole life. According to Susan Reynolds “if you want to be happy for the rest of your life, make sure you keep your brain happy.” This basically means that positive thoughts in our life have such a great impact. She further stated that happy people (positive people) are more creative, solve problems faster, and tend to be more mentally alert. When you think positive you become a positive person and become more relaxed, at peace and happy and being such a person allows other people to feel comfortable around you as your way of life (thinking) is just positive and probably encouraging too.
If we try and observe the life of Jesus Christ on earth, we will notice that He was a man who was at peace, happy and very positive. People who were around Him, in His presence couldn’t help it but feel encouraged to change for the better and be at peace. His way of life made His stay on earth amazing and very inspirational to many people around the world, not only to believers but also to unbelievers even still today. The reason was because of the truth that His thinking was in line with God’s word; His thinking was not contradictory to what His father expected of Him or His word. One of the most neglected disciplines by the born-again Christians these days is meditating on the word of God, which is taking special time every day to study and explore the word of God so it becomes part of you. Well meditating is a form of thinking that God requires us to do, this form of thinking helps the rest of our thinking life to become more structured and positive, it helps your think to stay in line with God’s word.
We don’t pay special attention to what we think about and one of the main problems we end up having by such disruptive thinking is that we continue feeding ourselves with negative and unhealthy things (that is information that is contradictory to the word of God) after we have left our ways of the past. While we are still in the Lord, we continue in the way we thought before, our old patterns of life. Probably you have heard of the expression, you are what you think, well that’s true because what we think in our minds we speak and also act. It is God’s wish for us to always think in a manner or pattern that is positive; He requires that we reprogram our thinking in a way that allows Him to use us. Because honestly speaking working with a negative person in mind is almost impossible as they are full of doubt and impossibilities of which we all know that is not in line with our Lord and Saviour.
We serve a God of possibilities. God that can do anything, the word impossible does not exist in His vocabulary. We also are well aware of the truth that we can only please God if we have faith; hence doubt has no room in God’s presence. The scripture below clearly illustrates to us what God wants our thinking pattern to be like. You might be saying to yourself right now, how am I supposed to change the way I think, I can’t control how I think. Well I have news for you, you do have control over what you allow your mind to continue thinking, yes you might not entirely decide on the thoughts that drop in your mind but you have a choice, a choice not to entertain the thoughts that are disruptive. And you even in great luck to have the Holy Spirit by your side, as He will remind you that you not supposed to be thinking what you thinking currently, He will always keep you in line but one thing you need to understand is that, you need to work with Him.
The Holy Spirit won’t force you and having the Holy Spirit does not mean it will be easy, but what it means is that you will have the strength to want to decide on what is right and in line with God. Philippians 4:8: “Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable – if anything is excellent or praiseworthy – think about such things.” Our God is not impressed with what we appear to be or act like when we are around people. At times we become so devious that we play church and think we can fool God too.
Well God values what we think about a lot, He weighs the motives of our hearts. Hence it is of great importance that we think positively and ensure that we portray a mind like Christ. The word of God clearly explains to us how God feels and values positive (pure/right) thoughts. Proverbs 16: 26: “The Lord detests the thoughts of the wicked, but those of the pure are pleasing to Him.” What we fail to forget and sometimes fool ourselves into thinking we don’t know, is the truth that God cannot be fooled or schemed by us, everything to Him is clear, He sees and knows about everything that takes places in our lives, around us and in the entire world.
So what makes us think that we can watch whatever we want and talk about whatever we wish to talk about and somehow still get away with it. Everything we spend our time in is mastered and pondered in mind, spoken about intentionally and/or accidentally and eventually reflected in the way we act, in our lives. Hence it is important that we take note of what we invest in our lives if we aim to have a mind like Christ. I just want you to clearly go through the scripture below and understand for yourself that indeed God cannot be mocked, and that what you sow into your life you will reap its fruits and nothing else or more. You cannot expect to reap bananas whereas you know that you sowed apple seeds, you will get apples as that’s what you sowed into the ground. Galatians 6:7-9: “Do not be deceived. God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows.
The one who sows to please the sinful nature, from that nature will reap destruction; the one who sows to please the spirit will reap eternal life.” What we need to understand is that what we feed ourselves with, which is what we listen to, what we watch and even talk about affects the way we think, it has a great impact on our thinking patterns as born-again Christians or any person for that matter.
Hence it is of importance that you surround yourself with positive, godly and right things so as to maintain your new thinking pattern that has been transformed. God is more interested on the unseen that is what is on the inside, God’s desire and wish is that we are clean from the inside so as that to be reflected on the outside.